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Shore Soccer League


Shore FC Smash Tournament

April 13 2024
(For Players - U9, U11, U13, U15, U18 & New Post High School 19+)

Co-Ed Tournament for U9, U11, U13
Gender Divisions for U15, U18, Post High School
5V5 play (maximum roster of 7) for U9, U11, U13
7 v7 play (maximum roster of 11) U15, U18, Post High School Division 19+

U9 Registers as Individuals to be placed, 
U11-19+ register as a team (no individuals accepted)


Shore FC Smash Tournament

About Smash

Welcome to the Shore FC Smash Tournament. Shore Soccer is excited to bring this event to the shore for the second time.  The Travel program is organizing this event!  There is excitement in being able to provide a tournament on the shore, raise money to help our youth travel program, and make a difference in our community. 

The Shore FC Smash Tournament is unique in that youth players get to pick their teams, their names, and their strategy to be successful.  Each team will need a captain who will help organize and register their team.  The registration process is set up through a link below.  You do not have to pay by credit card, there will be other options offered through the registration link.  

Please note the registration deadline for the Shore FC Smash Tournament is March 23rd.  Teams must pay prior to the deadline and there are no refunds for teams that drop prior to the tournament.  We will not be taking teams after the registration period.  It is important to understand that when captains are forming teams they can cross between age categories, however, they must play at the age level of their oldest player.  This tournament is for players ages 7 and above. EXTENDED DEADLINE - APRIL 1 to Register Teams.  Those who need to pay and receive forms in person please contact Joel Coleman (Organizer) [email protected] or text 973-224-4672.

 - U9 will register as individuals and be placed on teams.  Anyone playing U11 and above must register as a team.  There will be no individual placements for these particular divisions


Each age level will have a final match to declare a first place winner.  The first place team of each age category will be awarded a championship custom Shore FC Smash Tournament 1st place Medal, and name recognition on the shore soccer Facebook page. 

You and your friends can be champions!  Youth are in control of their strategy and results.  Youth captains will help to coach and prepare their teams for play!  U9 Division will have volunteers to help organize teams during the day of the event.  

Happenings at the Tournament

The weekend of the event will include bracket schedule, a registration table with announcer, and lots of opportunities to support Shore Soccer.  We will be selling shore soccer swag, operating a concession stand with meal options.  We will have a grill station open for hotdogs and hamburgers.  We will have small games and activities for youth and children.  A Gaga ball pit will be at the fields for kids to be able to enjoy this fun dodgeball game between soccer matches.  

Please note: A Parent/Guardian must register and check in their team at the registration table prior to play.  Game schedules will be given out after the March 23 date.  All minors must have an adult chaperone at the event.  This may be a parent/guardian or parent of a teammate.  Youth found without proper supervision will need to return to the registration table to contact their parents and/or find an adult designee.  We want families to feel comfortable at the fields and enjoy the day, we expect youth will walk around with their buddies.  Supervision of minors is important to keep everyone safe.

Games & Rules

Players must wear soccer shin guards, and soccer cleats for the tournament. Teams should bring a light colored shirt and a dark shirt for each team member to ensure each game has different colors for play.  Players can be creative in how they create their team shirts and/or the colors that they choose to pick for their team.  Superman or Batman capes are welcome!  We encourage players to dress in layers to keep warm between games. They should bring a water bottle to keep hydrated during the weekend! 

Game Rules
Every team will have at least 3  games of bracket play during the tournament.  All games will have a referee. 

U9, U11, U13  Game Rules

Games will be played 5 v 5 with a keeper
There will be a max of 7 players per team roster. 
Teams have unlimited subs even when the ball is live. 
There will not be offsides called during games. 
There will be two 15 minute halves with a 5 minute break between halves. 
The kick off can happen in any direction. 
There will be no goal kicks during the game. 
Goalies must toss or roll the ball to a player.  
No slide tackling
Headers are allowed
In the event of a tie add an extra 5 minutes to game play with a dropped player. After 5 min penalty kicks will determine winner.

U 15, U18  & Post High School 19+

Games will be played 7 v 7.  Max roster of 11
There will be 6 players on the field with a keeper. 
There will be 22 minute halves with 2 minute break between halves. 
There will be no off sides, all free kicks are direct, 
The ball must have gone out in order for a sub to enter than game. 
Goals can be scored from kick off. 
The keeper is allowed to clear with goal kicks, however the keeper can not punt the ball. 
Keepers have 6 seconds to release the ball. 
If tie two players drop from team and add 2 minutes to end of game. If still a tied game the game will be decided by penalty kicks. 

How long does a team have to get to a scheduled game?
Because of the variety of divisions and teams, there is a rule that teams must be prepared to play within 5 minutes of their scheduled time.  Teams that do not have a complete team to play on the field during their designated time may play with fewer players, against the other team.  If a team is unable to play after 10 minutes that team will forfeit their match. 

17 Laws of Soccer Explained / Rules and Basic Information

Payment Options & Registration

When paying by cash check or through our online link. 
Payment Link

        $20 Individual Reg (U9 only)

        U11, U13 Team $140 (Max Roster 7)

        U15 and above Divisions $180 (Max Roster 11)

        Tournament Smash T-Shirts $12




Shore Soccer League

PO Box 588 
Cape Charles, Virginia 23310

Phone: 240-832-8013
Email: [email protected]

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